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Complicit is an exploration of modern techno and an experiment in musical partnership for contributing members Tanya and Travis Norman. Longtime enthusiastic supporters of Minneapolis talent, the duo was looking for a way to translate that inspiration into a statement of their own. They found it by crafting a production and performance workflow running identical controllers manipulating a single system. The resulting symmetry and real time dynamics, a balancing act of duties divided by frequency range, are an invitation to become a “complicit participant” in the pair’s potentially criminal acts of dancefloor destruction.

complicit *live 2_27_10 @ timefog slam factory by complicit

complicit*live_ jackcast by complicit

2 Response to "Complicit"

  1. Unknown says:

    Thanks for helping us spread the word! This blog is consistently well put together, a definite favorite of ours. Any MTM t-shirts left?

    Nomie says:

    Yea, what about the t-shirts?

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