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Timefog 07: James Patrick - Muscle Memory EP w/ remixes by Barem, Someone Else, Jon Hester, and Zarbeat

Timefog 07 : James Patrick - Muscle Memory EP with Remixes by Barem, Someone Else, Jon Hester, and Zarbeat 

Available Exclusively on Beatport


Muscle Memory (original)
James Patrick delivers detailed, mind-expanding techno expanses with a floor-rocking remix package. Popcorn blips set the pace of this filthy afterhours material, adorned with noisy ornaments to keep you guessing. Pulsing bass under thunderstorm echoes and tron soundscapes drop the science like Newton dropped the apple. This is one your muscles and your mind will remember thanks to an ethereal break before plunging back into mechanical muscular communications.

Where You Goin (original)
Rhodes lines and trippy glitches shimmer along this trip down a nighttime highway full of deep bass, huge toms and sonic surprises... The party question of the moment is.. Hey... where u goin? Sure to be well received by fans of the quirkier side of detail oriented dance music.

Where You Goin (Barem Remix)
Barem (m_nus, foundsound) adds effortlessly flowing drum hits that set up the vocal hook and kick off this smooth, powerful remix. Steady muffled chords and womps lock in a backbeat that bounces along under purposeful percussion re-treatments. The energy is maintained through beautiful bright pads and more snaps and hits. This summer burner is ready for some festivals!

Where You Goin (Someone Else's Helper Mix)
Sean O’Neal aka Someone Else aka Little Helpers delivers a looped up, freight train jackathon remix. We are given a little tease of the synth line and shakers, as they build into the locked high hats and kung-fu chop snare, perfect for building tension and energy in a set.

Where You Goin (Jon Hester's Sweatbox Firework Mix)
Timefog artist Jon Hester makes his second appearance on the label with this speaker-searing interpretation for fans of Levon Vincent and raw house. Hypnotic, circular high hats build over a grooving bassline with echoes and drum fills, reaching a climax of screaming synths flying over hot rising tides for a dance floor moment to remember.

Where You Goin (Zarbeat's Workout Mix)
Chicago’s Zarbeat (Diffusion Records) pumps up the kick drums and percussion for a double time step-a-thon that would leave Jane Fonda cursing like a sailor. Unexpected bass changes and breaths of synth hooks keep things interesting while never losing the beat.


What's been said...

Dustin Zahn 
I like Sean's remix. It reminds me of his older SE material, raw, pumpin' and stoney.

Zak aka DVS1 
the original muscle memory is the one

Davide Squillace 
Downloading for Davide ... thks !

Henry Chow 
Nice cast of remixes but the original of Where U Goin and Muscle Memory is  where it's at. Each release has gotten better and better. Well done and full  support!

Orde Meikle 
liking the originals - cool remixes - strong release - playing

Klein & Meister 
Nice deep groovy but still driving a lot. Great EP. Will play for sure.

Loving the original Where U Goin, Sean's mix, and Muscle Memory. 

someone else's remix is my fav

John Selway 
Jon Hester mix stands out for me, good groove and interesting direction.

Audio Injection 
Good stuff here! Where U Goin original and Someone Else mix are awesome,  thanks!

Someone Else 

Bobby Dowell 
Muscle Memory in full "efflex"!

Vidal Vargas 
hester mix is thick..zarbeat is off the hook! original mix of where u goin also works for me. 

Mateo Murphy 
Muscle Memory is awesome! Zarbeat's Workout is nice as well.

Brad Valerine | Dela 
barem is right up the ol dela alley. i'll play the shat outta this one. good job on the EP.

Marcel Jochmann 
for me mr. hester does it best in here. thx

nice tracks will play at the club!!!!

Bryan Zentz 
barems mix and muscle memory are the ones for me...  thanks!

Andrew Grant 
JH mix baby ;)

Joseph Capriati 
Barem remix for me!

Alan Fitzpatrick 
like the jon hester remix here

anybody know where I can find a good bone doctor?

Fine Cut Bodies 
love the originals and the jon hester remix but the whole pack is pure quality!

Paco Osuna 
thank you i will try it

Tony Rohr 
Loving Sean's mix! Will rock this over the weekend for sure.

i like the groove, i will test it !

Stephan Bodzin 
someone else is helping lot!!!! what a tool!! thanks a lot!

Hans Bouffmyhre
Loving Muscle Memory and also the Barem remix of Where U Goin.  Nice release again guys! 

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