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Daniela La Luz - Elle Routine - The remixes

New release from Syncopated Musik

Elle Routine was the first track that Syncopated Musik listened from Daniela, was released on Musik Non Stop UNO compilation. This track shows the talent, originality and complexity of arrangements from the mind of Syncopated Musik’s artist.

 SYNKD005 Daniela La Luz - Elle Routine Remixes

Tracklisting :

01 - Elle Routine - Gusgo requeMIX
02 – Elle Routine - Marcos Romero RMX
03 - Elle Routine - Daniela La Luz Tease the Light reEdit
04 – Elle Routine - Oldrich Sic jr RMX

 Daniela La Luz 

1980 München
Started creating electronic music in 2007 after being under the influence on punk rock, ska and a basic music creation ha developed a fantastic own style of production where she mixes her own vocals over elaborated evolved techno music of the 21st century. She is 1 German techno music star on the rise, and Syncopated is
Glad to release, her unique approach to Avant‐garde music.

Thanks to: Marcos Romero  


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